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2026-2027 Proposed Admission Arrangements

Holy Rood Catholic Primary School is consulting on the proposed admissions arrangements for the school year 2026/27 and is seeking responses from parent/carers, schools and community groups.

The proposed changes are:

  1. Siblings. We propose to add a sentence that confirms that we identify a sibling as a pupil of our school at the time of admission, and not at the time of application. We do say this in practice, however it is not stated in our admissions policy. A Sibling means the brother, sister, half-brother or half-sister, adopted brother or sister, child of the parent/Legal Guardian or partner or a child looked after or previously looked after and, in every case, living at the same address as the applicant. 
  2. Certificate of Catholic Practice. We propose to add a sentence that confirms the certificate should be dated within the current school year of application. We do ask for this in practice, but it is not stated in our admissions policy.

The consultation period runs from *28 October– 8 December 2024. Please send your comments regarding the proposals to the school direct to:


The consultation period runs until 8 December 2024. Please visit www.hertfordshire.gov.uk/admissions2026 for more information and to respond online.

Please click here to view our 2026-2027 Proposed Admission Arrangements

Please click here to view our 2026-2027 Proposed Admissions Supplementary Information

Please click here to view our 2026-2027 Proposed Admissions Checklist

Parish Boundary Maps - St Helens, Holy Rood